Sell more. Build more.
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Site planning software. Changing the way you sell.
Creating efficiencies on your sales process with canibuildEasy. Visual. Intuitive.
View any block in Australia
Quickly look up any address, registered or unregistered, to find all the plot plan information you need for siting and quoting accurately. View site information instantly, such as zoning, site drawings, utilities, easements, and setbacks. All the information you need is at your fingertips.A site planning tool that does all the hard work for you.
Site and quote builds in seconds not days.I build...
Innovative PropTech Platform designed for Home Builders to sell more.
A site planning tool that will help you position, plan, and quote for house builds without having to visit sites.
Estates on canibuild (and counting!)
minute site plans
No cost for additional users
Key Home Builder Features
Site your plan
Site any plan without stepping foot on the location.
Instant Information
Understand the contours, zoning, setbacks, rules, and regulations of any site across Australia.
Download Site Plans and Flyer
In the first meeting, you can provide detailed and personalised flyers and site plans to your clients.
To be able to access information such as setbacks, contours and site information all within minutes in front of a client is a game changer and such a time saver. You really don’t need any other programs!
Ready to get started?
Change the way you sell. Give clients immediate answers about the site management plan and what they can build on their block of land.
Success stories
canibuild is providing groundbreaking technology that’s changing the way the construction industry sells their products.