background image showcasing virtual siting and sales software for builders and contractors

Rules & Regulations

Auto-check zoning, building rules, regulations, and setbacks using AI. Instantly know what can and can’t be built with a click of a button, helping you sell what’s buildable faster.
60 seconds

Feasibility Study

canibuild auto-checks local planning rules relevant to your site, ensuring your proposed build is compliant. Is the build in a particular zone which requires more consideration? Will you need specialist reports eg fire, acoustic, or heritage reports? All these questions can be discussed upfront.

Local Council Compliance

Every local council has its own set of rules and regulations about what can be built, where it can be built, and with what materials it can be built with. And even within a council area, these rules and regulations can vary from site to site. No more stalling waiting for site specific council information to be looked up. Find these answers as soon as you type in an address.

Permissible Build Types

  • Land Zoning

  • Lot Area

  • Frontage

Site Specific Requirements

  • Wind Zone

  • Geothermal Fields

Development Standards

  • Building Line

  • Gross Floor Area

  • Plan Type

  • Site Coverage

  • Setbacks

  • Allowed Positions

Easy to read

Green Tick = Compliant

With an easy to read table of green ticks and red crosses, you can see at a glance whether your build is compliant and if it isn’t, what part is preventing compliance. It has never been so easy to site your build.
Quote accurately

Zoning information

By instantly knowing whether a property is subject to special zoning requirements eg fire, flood, noise or heritage, you can determine what extra costs may apply to the build. Letting your clients know these costs in the beginning and explaining upfront helps prevent blow out quotes and disappointment down the track.

Get started today

Access instant zoning information and AI compliance checks so you can quote faster and more accurately.